Turnip Season
Meeting this morning at the store. Things keep getting better. Halibut is now in season. We'll make some money this week maybe.

Maybe I should backtrack a little. Nope, I 'm gonna go lie down.

Here I go again. I'm fighting a cold and feel like I'm drowning in snot. Going to bed before I have to go to work.

Well, here I go. It's a start to something. I've been looking at these things for months now and thinking maybe I should get on the bandwagon before it gets away from me. I'm here at home tonight listening to the basketball game (Kansas vs. Texas Tech).

My wife, Laurie, is off cross-country skiing in Winter Park and I'm playing on the computer. I tend to stay up too late when she's away, reading or watching TV or something besides getting to sleep. I don't know if it's because she draws me into bed when she's home (that sounds strange) or I just don't want to face sleeping alone.

Anyway, a normal Monday at the store. Working in retail, I've lost any sense (guess I could end the sentence right there.) of the weekly cycle.

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