Turnip Season
Friday Five
1. What food do you like that most people hate?
I actually like pate and even Braunschweiger. Grape Nuts, too.
2. What food do you hate that most people love?
I find unscrambled eggs totally repugnant. Thinking of someone dipping into a runny egg yolk simply activates my gag reflex.
3. What famous person, whom many people may find attractive, is most unappealing to you?
Robert Redford, although I am a man, in The Horse Whisperer I found horrific. They had to put the soft focus on him to make you unaware he looked like an old catcher's mitt. It's like a living ad for sunscreen. "This could be you!!!"
4. What famous person, whom many people may find unappealing, do you find attractive?
Oddly enough, I think Willie Nelson's appealing.
5. What popular trend baffles you
Most of them, since I don't watch much TV. A few years ago, kids were tucking jeans into their socks. I never figured that one out.
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Safe at Home, so to speak
While I was gone, we had an attempted break-in. The combination of a barking dog and the steel plate under the deadbolt seemed to deter the mother&%^$r. He did destroy the deadbolt so that it couldn't be opened.
So, we're walking the dogs this morning and sitting in front of the apartment buildings owned by absentee slumlords was a crapped out Olds Regency with a large screwdriver/pry bar sitting in the front seat. I called the police. Maybe it's the guy (or gal, to be egalitarian).
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I'm in Denver today and tomorrow after the flight through hell. I got to the airport around 5:30 AM for a 7:10 flight. All was fine except Christina had a flat tire and had to take a later flight.
As we neared Denver, the pilot warned us that we would have to circle for awhile. Denver had more fog than Frontier policies allowed. Next, we found we were being diverted to Pueblo for refueling.
We sat on the ground, in the plane, from 9:30 to 1:30. No food, no get out and walk around, no nothing. Well, a can of cranberry juice, for me and a couple oranges I had in my pack. A normal 2-hour flight ended up with 7 hours stuck in a tube. ARRRRGGHH.
All that I could really think was that it would have been much more horrible when people didn't have cell phones and wireless internet access.
Anyway, the good news is I'm using RedHat to blog this. Woo-Hoo!!!!
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