Turnip Season
One Shining Moment

For a little bit of time tonight, I had the G4 and the old Mac networked and sharing files. I could access the files and programs on the G4 from the old Mac and Laurie could access the files and programs on the old Mac from the G4.

It fell apart when I tried to print a document from the G4 off the old LaserWriter NTR connected to the old Mac (G3 hotrodded from a 9500). No go. When I made it so that happened, so that I could print, the network connection broke down.

But for one brief moment, there was a network and file sharing connection between the 2 machines. It was a beautiful thing.

Tomorrow, the RedHat 7.0 machine gets hooked into the NetGear router. This network shall be my servant and I shall be its master. Worship me!!!!

Friday Five

1. How much time do you spend online each day?
Too much, if the truth be known. About 3-5 hours per day, actually.

2. What is your browser homepage set to?
My Yahoo!! That still gives me links to everything else I want to check.

3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)?
4. Where was your first webpage located?
5. How long have you had your current website?
Since March, IIRC

Stands With A Fist
Finally found a picture of myself at Gnomedex, evidence that I was there.

But what is the deal with me? Fists!!! My mother mentioned, years ago, that I always have my fists balled up in family pictures. She was going through a book of pictures and pointed them out.

"Fist. Fist. Fist.", she said, "here's another one."

I don't do this intentionally. I mean, what do you do with your hands while you're dancing?

Monday Morning Rock

I'm sore this morning and it's hot. I'm not sure whether it's opening two mornings in a row and throwing hundreds of pounds of ice into the case a couple mornings in a row or it's due to the bike ride last night or just working on the computer at Laurie's desk but the deltoids are killing me. I believe I'll rest today until it's time to work this afternoon.

Had the weirdest damn dream this morning after I woke up at 5AM and finally got back to sleep. Think that I was going to some sort of job interview and was parking my truck. I drove up an entrance ramp into the parking garage and it turned out to be a stairway. Fortunately, the people got out of my way and no one was harmed.

I walked around the building, looking for the office I was supposed to visit but no avail. There was a theater or auditorium of some sort with a restaurant in the back. I looked for someone at the tables and suddenly the servers started dancing wildly.

Then I couldn't find my truck anywhere and I woke up.

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