Turnip Season
What Everyone Needs


I got these in the mail today after ordering them like, a month ago. Because of the delay, the artist (not The Artist)sent me 15 of them, more than I possibly could ever use. So I shared them with people at work.

Today at the Dog Park

Listened to DemocracyNow on the drive over to Penn Valley. I got to hear the title cut from the new Steve Earle album (I still call them albums, whatever media they're on). Rockin' song.

Also got to hear the speech from the Bush twins. Gawd almighty!!! It sounds like something one of the girls on the old Bob Hope specials. They were laughing at the jokes, giggling, to put a fine point on it, as though they were hearing them for the first time, reading haltingly. Someday, these girls, or one of their cousins, will be running for office against a Gulf War vet.

From one bicyclist to another.

Bikes Against Bush Where are the police arresting the real criminals?

Been a Long Time, Lonely, Lonely, Lonely Time

Haven't updated for over a month now. What have I done?

  1. Rode my bicycle in Wisconsin
  2. Started working in a new position at the LNFG
  3. Bought stuff at Ikea in Chicago in a five hour shopping expedition, brought it home and assembled it.
  4. Sat in on the interviews for our new STL
  5. Run some
Still angry at the Republicans. Not doing enough to stop them. Did purchase this

Got a website to work on today. A Futon must be purchased for my mother in law coming this weekend.

That is all.

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