Turnip Season
It's morning and I'm completing the Track Club newsletter, trying to get the roster to fit on 2 pages. When I get the website up and running I will post it up there. Then, I'm going to run with the 2 foster dogs. I'll post the link for them later. Gotta go sell fish this afternoon. Such is the rockstar life.
Ran 12 miles tonight at the Wednesday Night Run and all the food, not a lot of it, was gone when I got there. I had a Fat Tire and some chips and a couple cookies. Was a great night for running, though and I'm not too unhappy, just tired. Loving this D-Link Air Plus card, too. Wore my Google gimme cap that I got at Gnomedex to run in and told the story of my wonderful voyage to nerdville. That's all. Going to bed.
I have managed to get my laptop/notebook online. I was so stoked by the wireless access at Gnomedex that I put one in at the house. It's a Netgear and it worked flawlessly. Just went by office depot and bought the one with the best rebate. I didn't even have to put in the CD.
Now, I'll be able to post every day. Lots going on. No cat news, though.
Just got back, or got back 2 days ago from Gnomedex. Who did I meet? Cheyenne, Solonor, Sunidesus, R. Josh Quarles, Chris and Gretchen, Steve Crabbe and his lovely wife Melanie (who tried to steal my miniboard that I won in a drawing) Lori, Phil (my roommate), KB, Tom Bridge, and many more that I can't yet remember. Great experience for me! I've always had this picture of myself as a really shy person but I'm managing to make some bold moves lately.