Turnip Season
Friday Five
1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year?
2. What was your biggest disappointment?
Repeatedly getting turned down for better jobs.
3. What do you hope the new year brings?
Peace, a new president, a better career for me.
4. Will you be making any New Year's resolutions? If yes, what will they be?
Run 2000 miles, learn more geek stuff, make more money, play guitar more often.
5. What are your plans for New Year's Eve?
Spend it with friends.

Well, Merry Christmas
A career in retail, not exactly the stuff of Rimbaud or even Blue Oyster Cult (who pioneered the use of umlauts by Rock bands)
I always find myself taking stock this time of year and once again, I find myself falling short of my hopes and dreams. Even my most meager of aspirations has not been met. (Thanks W) Seriously, I often feel as though I am missing something that others take for granted. Like there is a key on their ring which I don't have.
My Life Obsession
I remain frustrated. I mean, I love my job and the company for which I work but I make around half of what I used to make, maybe 60% but nonetheless. I've tried to avail myself of opportunity to advance but have been rebuffed each time for a legitimate reason. I don't really resent the people that get the job but I am beginning to feel like its going to be my lot in life to fail or to stagnate. So I'm frustrated. I don't want to be throwing ice until I'm 50. I want to grow. I want to expand my mind. I want to be home on weekends or at least free. I want a desk job where I'm doing more geek stuff.
I mean, where is my life going? What kind of a career can I hope for?