Interesting night last night. I was forgotten at the close of business last night and left in the store as it was locked up. Only because Christina was still in the parking lot, talking to Susan through the window of their cars and they saw me jumping up and down and waving was I able to get out the door without setting off the alarms.
Am I too quiet, too reserved? It consistently aggravates me when Laurie tells me something I told her 3 weeks before because she read it in the paper or heard it from someone else. I refer to this as the "Popcorn Guy" syndrome.
You see, my friend Mark Lidman, was meeting his wife at the Royals game one night a few years back. He told her, upon arrival, "I heard on the way over here that Ewing Kauffman (founder of Marion Laboratories and owner of the Royals) died."
His wife didn't believe him so she asked a passing popcorn vendor, "Did Mr K. die?"
"Oh yes, it was on the news."
"So she believes the Popcorn guy and not me," he finishes the story.
That's married life, folks.
Email me if you have any questions.
Meanwhile, I'm still thinking...
My deepest desire is to live in a place with:
- mountains to hike with Laurie and our dogs
- An REI store to get stuff to go to the mountains and hike with
Laurie and our dogs - An Ikea store to get stuff to come home to after I'm done hiking
in the mountains with Laurie and our dogs - much more remunerative employment
- high speed internet access
- quality mass transit
- Art Houses
- Cross country skiing in the winter
This would likely mean Denver. Of course, this would mean giving up
football fandom since I could never be a Broncos fan. It's like when
people convert for marriage. Could one ever sincerely be Catholic after
a lifetime of Judaism? "I don't know. I guess that was all crap before."
So goes it. I'm working on the Mini-ITX situation. Looks like
each of the 2 free boards I won at Gnomedex are going to cost me about
$300 to build the computers to go with them and that's without
monitors, keyboards, OS or mice. After reading about the mini-itx built
into an Ikea breadbox, I'm choosing this
for my case. I have my friend Glenn, the finest scavenger of the Swap and Shops I know, searching
for an old toaster body for the other one. I mean something from the
1950's or 60's, something from the streamline era. I'll definitely run
some Linux distro on one or both of them. I'm thinking Gentoo just because it sounds
intriguing from the folks at the KCLUG
message board and I could always stand to learn more Linux stuff.
After Gnomedex, I don't think of Microsoft as harshly as I used to do.
I loved seeing the things they're doing with XP and Windows Media.
(probably should insert some links there but what the hey!)
Anyway, it occurs to me that perhaps someone might well be reading this
but I don't know because I haven't got comments set up yet. So, if
you're reading this, email me
and we'll get something going. I need to find more that I can blog
about. I'm always thinking of stuff when I'm running, or walking
Chester or cleaning up at work but not when I'm at the computer.
Another Day away from the Office
We went to a wedding this weekend in Jeff City. Our friends' daughter Susan Murphy, was getting married. It always makes me consider my marriage when I hear a man of the cloth pontificate about marriage. It's one thing to feel a comiitment to someone and profess that in your heart but when you have to stand before your friends and family, it really comes down on you, not in a bad way, but that you feel the enormity of the commitment and of what you're doing.
Anyway, it was a really nice day. I wish that we'd known our friends would be bringing their bikes and we could have taken ours for a short ride on the Katy Trail. We wandered around the Capitol Building viewing busts of noteworthy Missourian's, such as Walt Disney, Scott Joplin, Walter Cronkite, George Washington Carver, Sacajawea, Ewing Kauffman, and Stan Musial. It was also interesting to note that my state once had a governor by the name of